Olive the Etsy Front Page

I am so excited to have my Flying Solo Scoop neck top featured on the front page of Etsy this evening. This red and olive list is currated by misskenzie

Here is a screen shot of the beautiful list. She also entered it into the Etsy Poster Challenge.

I also submitted a treasury for the poster challenge.

Here is my sampler.

More entries can be seen on flickr.


Sherry said...

I've tagged you as a "Rockin' Girl Blogger!"
Check it out:

I read a lot and am terrible about commenting, but just wanted to give you some support! Love your blog!

Elizabeth said...

hello! i came across your lovely blog and would like to let you know about DaWanda. please drop me a line at elizabeth [at] dawanda [dot] com

look forward to haering from you!