Tag! I'm it!
I was wondering if this would happen to me and thanks to , Sewlutions I've been tagged!
What is tagging you might ask. Well, it is a sort of 'get to know you' game that bloggers play. Now on to the
• Start with 7 random facts/habits about yourself
• People who are tagged have to write their 7 things on their blog
• Then choose another 7 people to get tagged and list their names
• Don’t forget to leave them a comment to tell them they have been tagged and to read your blog
Here are 7 Random things about myself:
1. I love football. I am a huge LSU and Saints fan. Usually disappointed by the Saints, last year was a great success for both teams. I feel a Super Bowl appearance is in our future.
2. I must have at least 2 or more drink options available at all times. I drink coffee all day and mix it up with coke, juice, water, milkshakes, smoothies...
3. I have 7 cats and 1 dog. I have a hard time turning away a stray animal
4. I have broken my arm, my hand, 2 toes and had stitches twice (not including my c-section)
5. I am a packrat. My grandmother was one too and when she passed away, who do you think collected 91 years worth of her addiction? Needless to say, I am running out of storage room.
6. I have traveled to 18 states, Mexico and various Caribbean islands but have not made it across an ocean yet. Italy and Greece are in my top spots to visit one day!
7. I am very shy and wish I was more confident and outgoing.
Now onto tagging 7 others.
Pepperina Press
Art of Andrew Daniel
Jessica Torrant
Crazy in Louisiana
Bugs and Fishes
Draw the Girl
- 2008
- accessories
- air
- alternative
- animal
- art
- artist
- asian
- bag
- balloon
- basket
- baton rouge
- birds
- black
- bloom
- bold
- bread pudding
- bubbles
- business
- calculator
- camera
- card
- cards
- cars
- carved
- championship
- change
- character
- children
- circles
- circular
- classic
- coaster
- collage
- colors
- coordinate
- costco
- craft
- create
- dahlia
- dandelion
- dessert
- dragonfly
- dress
- driving
- earrings
- ecological
- election
- etsy
- eyes
- fair
- fall
- festive
- field
- film
- floral
- flower
- forward
- Francisco
- fuel
- fun
- funky
- funny
- gas
- gift
- gocco
- graphic
- green
- gulf
- halloween
- handmade
- hobby
- holga
- hope
- hot
- hurricane
- hydrogen
- ink
- insect
- jewelry
- kids
- lease
- letter
- letterpress
- lotus
- louisiana
- magnet
- metal
- missing
- modern
- moving
- natural gas
- nature
- nautical
- Nicholas
- nocturnal
- oil
- organic
- owl
- owls
- painting
- palette
- person
- photography
- pictures
- pods
- poster
- pouch
- power
- president
- printed
- pull
- puppetry
- puppets
- purple
- purse
- race
- rasin
- recipe
- recycled
- retro
- round
- rum
- sailing
- school
- screenprint
- sea
- seattle
- ship
- shirt
- shirts
- silkscreen
- solar
- southern
- squirrel
- stationery
- stones
- storm
- studio
- stuffed
- summer
- thinking
- tote
- toys
- tree
- truck
- tshirt
- tutorial
- US
- ventriloquist
- water
- watercolor
- wind
- women
- wood
- A Mile A Minute
- Ambient Design
- Anisito vuelve a Paris
- Antelope Baby
- Art of Andrew Daniel
- AshleyG
- Aussie Patches
- Bee Bee Mod
- Big Daddy Sea Shell
- Black Star
- Bugs and Fishes
- Cabinet of Seeds
- Chicaloo Kate
- Crazy in Louisiana
- Daddy Drama
- Dandelion Blu
- Decor8
- Delicious Stitches
- Design-Mind
- Dragonfly Gems
- Draw the Girl
- Ellie Ng
- Etsians Say
- Etsy Labs
- FH Design
- Girls Can Tell
- Hydro Color Studios
- Jenna Lou Designs
- Jessica Torrant
- Katsai
- Katsai
- Kirin Notebook
- libraryosis
- Love Dynamite
- love gemma
- Martha Haskins
- Might Could Press
- Miss Malaprop
- Miss Plum
- Mixed Plate
- mlee prints
- New Orleans Craft Mafia
- Pegasus Soaps
- Pepperina Press
- Post Secret
- Re:form
- Rob Guillory
- Salmon Street Studio
- Scrumdilly do
- shirt snob
- Small Fashion
- Stilettoheights
- supastarr
- Swank Show
- Sylvia's Jewellery
- The Black Apple
- The Black Apple
- The Life of Ben
- The Long Thread
- The Mommy Designer
- Timothy Adam Designs
- Tina Teaspoon
- Tree Rock Cloud
- trousseaux to treasure
- What: just kidding
- Wickedly Chic
- Za Za Zu
Thanks for sharing your "secrets" I am a pac-rat, too. I think it is genetic! That's part of why we had to open our studio!
I'm am also shy and a packrat, but try very hard not to be.
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