Screen Capture

I have just installed a new plug in for firefox browser that now enables me to capture a larger portion of my screen. I was perusing the Etsy forums and came across this thread how to capture WHOLE page not just screen??

In one post, Etsy seller CubedPop posted a firefox plug in that works with versions 2.0-3.0a3

This took all of about 1 minute to install, open with firefox and find a web page to capture. The only drawback is that it won't capture flash based programs.

So I went searching around for other plugins and found a great one for internet explorer browsers. Click Here for the link.
It was simple to install.
I chose a beautiful treasury created by
Jmacc called Yeah, Right ON. I used my tools iwebshot to save as a jpeg.

I used my keyboard print screen button for this shot which zooms in for more detail.

I am included at the bottom right, the creme pomegranate flower top.


Sweet Olive Press | Helen said...

ohhh useful! I was using Grab, but this is better!

Circular Accessories said...

someone commented about spyware being attached, but my norton scan showed nothing and no new folders or pop ups appeared when I downloaded the plug in. It has also been awarded a 100% clean rating in October last year, so I think it is OK to use. It is very easy to install and apply.

joeyandaleethea said...

very cool. thanks for the plugin link! :)

sara girlscantell said...

that is incredibly useful and also awesome. see? the forums are totally more than just time killing...

ekbworldwide said...

Another good extension is Repagination


After you instal it...
right-click - choose Repagination - and you hvae choices about how much output you can have one screen.

It's a much better way to browse. I tried it out on your etsy store. You have to let the software do its thing - so I let it run in a tab and come back. I think it took about 3-5 minutes to put everything on one page.

So with screen grab t's possible to take a screen shot of somebody's entire etsy collection.

Salmon Street Studio said...

Thanks for the info.
And *way* belated condolences regarding the post before this.